If you are opposed to Agrium mining phosphate on either side of Ashley Springs, then please write letters to the following entities:
We need as many letters of concern as possible to be sent.
675 East 500 South, Suite 500
Salt Lake City, UT. 84102-2818
Address your letters to Director Kevin Carter
and also to the attention of William Stokes, Mineral Specialist
2. Utah Division of Oil, Gas and Mining (DOGM)
P.O. Box 145801
Salt Lake City, UT. 84114-5801
Address your letters to Director John Baza
and also to the attention of Paul Baker, Minerals Program Director
3. Department of Environmental Quality
P.O. Box 144820
195 North 1950 West
Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4810
Address your letters to Director Bryce Bird
Information and questions that may be helpful when considering
what to write:
2. Ashley Springs supplies 80% of the water used by Vernal residents and the water is of exceptional quality. Water from Ashley Springs requires relatively little treatment and is delivered by gravity flow. If Vernal should be forced to replace it with water from Red Fleet the quantity and quality of water available to Vernal residents could dramatically decrease. The price of treating our water would likely double. Water bills would likely quadruple due to scarcity and increased treatment, infrastructure, and pumping costs.
3. Toxic pollutants like selenium, radioactive isotopes, arsenic, cadmium, copper, and lead are frequently found, in significant amounts, in association with phosphate ore and can contaminate nearby water sources.
4. Mining this area will result in the removal of plants and soils protecting the watershed for Ashley Springs. Disturbance of the watershed has the potential to decrease the quantity and/or quality of water in Ashley Springs.
5. Blasting may fracture, collapse, or otherwise alter the limestone aquifer that delivers water to Ashley Springs, potentially decreasing the water supply to the Springs and to local wells. Fractures from blasting may also allow contaminants to find their way down into the Springs and into area wells. There is no way to know for sure how blasting and removal of the overburden above the phosphate deposit will effect Vernal’s water supply.
6. This proposed mine is very near residential areas. Blasting associated with phosphate mining can cause small earthquakes and can crack foundations of nearby houses. Blasting can also vastly increase dust in the air and disturb wildlife and residents with noise pollution.
7. Access to the land in consideration is upon public roads used to access private homes and lands administered by the US Forest Service. These roads are not appropriate for heavy truck traffic and would create hazards for families living nearby and for hunters, and others using these roads to enter public lands.
8. Vernal’s desirability as a place to live will be diminished by a phosphate mine so close to town. Views of the nearby mountains will be spoiled. A mine so close to residential areas will significantly lower property values and may reduce the potential for growth in Vernal due to water shortages.
9. What is the value of a pristine Spring that supplies 80% of the water to a community the size of Vernal? Will a reclamation bond for this amount be required of the Corporation that is considering mining near Ashley Springs? How can an aquifer be reclaimed after it is destroyed or polluted with toxic substances?
Things to remember
when writing your letters:
2. Tell them who you are, where you live and why this issue matters to YOU. Don’t worry about trying to include every point. Talk about what matters to you but don’t leave out the water issues. The potential harm to our water supply is our strongest argument against the mine.
3. Keep a copy of your letter. We (The Uintah County Water Source Protection Working Group) would also like a copy of all the letters written for our records (if you are willing). It is important for us to document everything in case there is an eventual law suit or hearing of some sort. You can black out your name and address if you feel the need to. You may email a copy to uintahcountywaters@gmail.com
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